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Renewal time during Samhain

As we stand on the threshold between October and November, I extend a heartfelt invitation to you to embrace the ancient celebration of Samhain on the night of October 31. This sacred time offers a unique opportunity for personal transformation, a chance to shed the old and welcome the new with open arms.

Join me in reflecting on what we're ready to release, making way for fresh intentions and new beginnings. Let's step into this powerful period of personal metamorphosis together.

Samhain also beckons us to connect with our ancestors, inviting their wisdom and guidance. As the veil between worlds thins, we'll find ourselves drawn into a journey of self-discovery, uncovering the profound mysteries and secrets nestled within the depths of our psyche. It's in these shadowy realms that our greatest potential awaits.

Should you wish, let's spiritually connect with the goddess Cailleach, the enigmatic Celtic deity of winter. Reborn each Samhain and transformed into stone at the onset of Beltane, she stands ready to guide us in gathering the outdated fragments of ourselves. As we prepare to embrace the fresh cycle awaiting us on November 1, let's walk this path of transformation together.

As the priestess of Mary Magdalene, I am deeply honored to serve others on this profound journey of self-discovery.


Żania K White

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