Few things about me ...
From a very young age, I had a desire to help others. I had no idea that I would first need to help myself, and this would equip me with the tools necessary to spread light, knowledge, and love to the world.
At the age of 23, I moved to London from a small town in Poland.​
Having worked as a manager in the pharmaceutical industry, I have acquired a solid foundation that has enabled me to enhance my coaching skills and sharpen my facilitation expertise.
Although I had a passion for art in my youth, I ultimately pursued a diploma in economics. However, I never ended up working in this field. Instead, my journey of learning led me towards the study of psychology, philosophy, and phenomenology.
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My educational background right now includes a diploma in Jungian Analytical Psychology and the interpretation of dreams according to teachings of Carl Jung.
I am a certified practitioner of Family Constellations, Compassion Key, and Life Coaching.​
I am a Projector by Human Design, my life's mission is guide and direct others. I can guide you on your Human Design also.
It is also my honour to serve as ordained High Priestess of the Rose Lineage of Mary Magdalene (it does not imply that I am in any way superior to anyone else; we are all equal).

My life story ...
I recall vividly the day at the age of 12 when I told my mother that I could sense people's energy, if they had good or bad intentions, and whether or not I could be friends with them. In my earlier days, my mother (whom I adore so much) told me that this was simply my imagination, and because I believed that she knew everything, I suppressed my abilities.
As a highly sensitive being, I was referred to a psychiatrist at the age of 18, as coping with my environment was proving to be an impossible task. I was suddenly receiving advice from others to "pull myself together." Have you ever heard that one before? They were suggesting that I stop being the problem. So, naturally, I began to believe that something was wrong with me, and I attempted suicide at the age of 19. Thankfully, back then, my life was saved by a friend who called in the knick of time. The reason for his late call is still a mystery to me. Whatever the case may be, I survived.
At school, I loved Fine Arts and I was good at it; at least, that is what my teacher said! However, I was persuaded to study economics instead. It was supposed to provide me with the proper perspective on my career, in a respectable profession. In spite of what I was told was best for me, I felt unhappy and acted in a manner contrary to my true self.
At the age of 23, I moved to London, UK. I was frightened, but I felt it was the right thing to do for me. To me, England felt more open and relaxed than my home country. I had an extremely difficult time adjusting to life here for the first two years. The intensity of this new place overwhelmed me, so I sought help. I ended up undergoing psychotherapy and being prescribed medication. And, after my first and second mental breakdowns, I did not feel healed at all.
Going to talk therapy felt like just scratching the surface and it was hard for me to believe that my brain wasn't functioning normally and that I needed pills to correct it. Taking pills helped me deal with some anxiety and depression symptoms, sure. But they also made me feel numb and unresponsive. I felt deeply inside of me that there must be something else out there and I was ready to try anything to get off drugs and get healthy.
Closely looking at my shadow and limitations
has helped me to awaken my lost power
and work towards fulfillment...
While working in the pharmaceutical industry and studying alternative methods of healing, I've had the chance to try out diverse techniques and modalities along the way.
Here are some of the techniques and modalities I have tried and gained extensive training in:
Analytical psychology
Compassion Key Therapy
Family Constellations Therapy
Karma transformation
Non-hypnotic regression
QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
Heart-brain coherence therapy
Life & Soul Coaching
Journaling and mantra repetition
NPA - non-personal awareness
Past-life regression & hypnosis
Silva method healing
Meditation, mindfulness, affirmations, and visualizations
Art therapy
Angel therapy
Crystal and gemstone healing
Non-violent communication
Radical forgiveness
Shamanic cleansing, shamanic journeying
Sound healing
Fear was my greatest challenge. I was afraid of visiting unknown places and meeting new people. I was even afraid of strangers looking at me on the streets. As the fear faded, I started experiencing more peace and for longer periods of time. Since I started my inner healing work, I experience so much happiness. I still have occasional moments of weakness but I also have all these great tools to get myself out of it quickly. My Human Design knowledge has helped me a great deal in understanding my nature and recognizing in which areas of my life I need more awareness and self-care. I also know that whenever I get overwhelmed, it is just a sign that I need to restore my inner world and fill up my well. Don't we all sometimes get carried away with every day responsibilities and forget about looking after ourselves? I am sure you know what I mean!
I draw my teachings and knowledge from a variety of sources, including my education as well as my own experiences.
I currently live in London with my partner of 16 years, my two daughters, and five cats.
I'm still exploring healing modalities, psychology, neuropsychology and human mechanics.
What fascinates me most is human nature and all its mysteries.
I can never get enough.