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National Flower

 Emotional Health & Beyond

Soul Mentoring & Coaching

Being a healer has taught me that every moment filled with doubt, anxiety or pressure can be used as a catalyst for a fresh start. Your road to optimal health begins here.

Portal of  Transformation

I know what it means to live in pain, depression, and hopelessness.

The world is spinning out of control. It's overwhelming and difficult for many of us to stay in balance. 

Are you happy or are you struggling?


About New Energy Healing

 I understand the weight and frustration of feeling like nothing is working, or not knowing where to turn to first. That’s why my mission is clear: to guide my clients in healing by identifying and transforming their wounded aspects with my Personal Soul Mentoring and Coaching, so they can experience freedom from struggle, find happiness, and feel whole.

New Energy Healing - Zaneta Glogowska

Hi, I'm Żania, your Soul Mentor & Coach.


It is my pleasure to assist you in your unique process. 

In the past, I often felt depleted, like a mere shadow of myself, always anxious and overwhelmed by everything around me, I felt lost.

Today, I make available to you my own cutting-edge healing tools, which have proved most effective for me. My goal is to help you resolve deeply seated emotional issues and find the root causes of your problems in order to restore, first and foremost, your wholeness. This ultimately will lead you towards ever-existing abundance in all aspects of your life.

Quantum healing is a form of restoration that can take place on many levels, simultaneously. For instance, you intend to work on healing a love relationship in your life, but you may notice that your financial circumstances shift positively too.

It’s a cliché, but it’s grounded in truth: There is so much more that unites us as humans than that which divides us. We all have a deep-rooted need for communal support. I’m thrilled that we get to explore these topics together. I’m here not to teach you, but to learn with you, as we navigate life’s seasons. This is a safe space.

Gold Medal


success rate

Gold Medal


individual support

Gold Medal



Sheila Kani Kai, Orlando, Florida

I have worked as a client with Żania receiving guidance from her through the Compassion Key processes. She is very thoughtful, kind, thorough and open in her approach to clear the imprints and restrictions that are holding you back. She takes pride in ushering you back into your true and whole self so that you can operate as the highest version of yourself.

Anna Musiał, London, UK

Żania is an amazing person, who is deeply dedicated to what she is doing. With love, very gently, but to the point, she took me through a difficult and exhausting process during several sessions. I trust her fully and I am extremely grateful for the way she took care of me.

Catherine Graham, Ontario, Canada 

Żania's warm, loving and compassionate energy creates a safe space to open up and express yourself easily. During my healing session, she helped me to identify and release the painful parts that I had kept hidden for so long. I experienced such a shift after my session and am so grateful our paths connected. Thank you Zaneta! 

© 2023 by New Energy Healing - All Rights Reserved

Żania K. White 

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